About Us

Who We Are

The Sts. Gregory and Romanos Guild is a Gregorian chant choir, or schola cantorum, serving parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria in Champaign County, IL. Our mission is to give glory to God by singing chant in the liturgy, and by fostering an appreciation for it among the people of the parishes we serve.

Joining the Guild

The Guild holds no auditions; membership is open to anyone who is interested. The easiest way to join is to come to rehearsal:

Monday, 7-8:30 PM
Holy Cross Catholic Church
405 W. Clark St.
Champaign, IL 61820
Map (via Google Maps)

Enter via the door on Prairie Street, under the bell tower, and go up the stairs into the choir loft.

Where We Sing

This site lists both our upcoming engagements as well as our historical appearances. Under normal circumstances, we sing about once a month, at parishes in and around Champaign-Urbana, although during busy times of the Church year (Advent, Holy Week, Lent, Easter, Pentecost) we may sing more frequently.

If you use Google Calendar, you can follow our schedule via the Guild’s calendar. We also have a presence on Facebook.

I Have A Question….

Many people have questions for us; here we answer some of the more frequent ones. If the linked page does not answer your question, feel free to contact the director:

Nicholas Haggin, director@schola-champaign.net


The Ordinary of the Mass
When we sing at parishes we provide these booklets, containing the Ordinary settings we commonly use, to the congregation.


The Sts. Gregory and Romanos Guild is an informal association of the lay faithful, and is not an official organ of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria. The director and members of the Guild do not claim to represent the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, and the content on this site should not be construed to represent the official positions or statements of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria.